You are invited to become one of the community’s most highly recognized supporters of ending homelessness in Santa Clarita. Your support plays a vital role in the expansion and sustainability of our services by allowing us to reach even more individuals and families in need by lifting them out of homelessness and into housing. All funds raised by sponsorships will help provide stability and mental well-being through case management, support activities, and safe shelter for those experiencing homelessness in our community.

Become a Sponsor today!

We would love to partner with you on this event! Each level of sponsorship comes with valuable media coverage, complimentary event tickets, exclusive experiences at the event, and a very special opportunity to provide essential support to individuals and families in need in our community. Sponsors at higher levels will receive increasing benefits.

Bridge to Home 2025 Soup for the Soul Gala

Sponsorship Levels

golden era sponsors - $25,000 includes prime recognition, inside or back cover full page advertisement, and exclusive event experiences curated for 10 guests at the best table in the house.

swanky Sponsors - $10,000 includes significant recognition, full page advertisement, and a beautiful table set for 10 guests at the gala.

bee’s knees Sponsors - $5,000 includes outstanding recognition, halp page advertisement, and your own table for 10 at the gala.

jazzy Sponsors - $3,500 includes special recognition, quarter page advertisement, and your own table for 10 at the gala.

Snazzy sponsors - $2,000 includes recognition, eighth page advertisement, and tickets for 5 to attend the gala.

Hotsy totsy Sponsors - $1,000 includes recognition and tickets for 2 to attend the gala.

This year’s Soup for the Soul will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2025 at the Hyatt Regency Valencia. Doors Open at 5:00 PM, Program begins at 6:30 PM. There will be a formal sit down dinner, live entertainment, and our signature LIVE auction. You will not want to miss this event!

golden era SPONSORs $25,000

swanky Sponsors $10,000

bee’s knees SPONSORS $5,000

jazzy SPONSORS $3,500

snazzy SPONSORS $2,000

hotsy totsy SPONSORS $1,000

Service sponsor